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Rising petrol and diesel costs seem to be in the news every week. We consistently see the prices hiked and for most of us, there is no option but to pay up, as our cars are essential to day-to-day life. Fuel can add up quickly and become one of your main monthly costs with ease, so any tips which can make it a little more affordable are useful. Diesel and petrol prices are exceptionally high in the UK. Our prices are much higher than in other countries due to the huge taxes on oil in place in this country. It seems a really unfair deal but there is little we can do to change it, so all we can do is look for ways to keep our personal fuel costs to a minimum. Here are some easy ways to bring down costs, even by a few pence:

Only Buy What You Need

Petrol and diesel are one of the few areas where buying in bulk isn’t necessarily the best option. The most efficient way of getting more miles for your money is to top up your tank with the amount you need. You can work this out by keeping your fuel receipts and checking how much petrol you use in a week, and replicating this as regularly as required, rather than filling up to the top of the tank. Its much more fuel-efficient and you’ll get more miles for your money this way.

Explore Deals And Consider Cashback Cards

Many supermarkets offer discounts or vouchers on fuel with purchases in store. They won’t happen every week but when they do you have the chance to save and this is an opportunity not to be missed. Some credit cards also offer cashback if you use them to pay at certain petrol stations, so consider these offers if you find yourself spending a lot of time on the road.

Car Maintenance For Fuel Efficiency

Small changes to the way you use your car can help you get more miles for your money. Remove all excess baggage and weight from your vehicle, as even the smallest additional weight can impact the number of miles you get for your gallons. Similarly, be sure to regularly check your tyre pressure. Flatter tyres create more drag on the wheel and this, in turn, will increase fuel waste and damage your overall fuel economy.

Don’t Be Loyal To One Brand

Many people have a favourite petrol supplier, maybe because it's local, or maybe because you’ve always opted for a particular brand. If you’re looking to get more for your money then this is another area of your life where you can shop around. Petrol prices are regularly available online and you can even find certain sites which will show you where the cheapest price is locally.

If you can’t live without your car and you’re not on the verge of going electric, then fuel costs are an expense that can’t be avoided. Doing all you can to improve your fuel economy and minimise costs is the best move you can make.

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