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If you are struggling with your mental health then you are not alone. The pressure on mental health during the pandemic highlighted the problems many feel when under pressure, particularly when facing the effects of illness, bereavement, isolation and financial uncertainty. There is no quick-fix solution that can be applied to everyone. As the impact of circumstances varies from person to person, so does the emotional response.

Finding the Right Help

Whether your current response to pressure is mild or severe, there are certain comforts which may help. Firstly, whatever your circumstance, somebody, somewhere, will understand through having the same experiences. The problem however is finding that reassurance through a minefield of misinformation and conflicting opinions. It’s good to know that virtually every issue has been addressed on the internet in some form, but unfortunately, that also warrants a substantial amount of incorrect and often hostile chatter. When feeling alone and afraid, it’s vital to reach out and find the right resources. Otherwise doing so can result in an unwanted surplus of negativity. Good sources of information include reputable health bodies, and reliable news outlets which supply helpful features on how to cope with mental health struggles. Having reassurance from these places that it’s okay to not feel okay can be a valuable first step.

Connect Online

It’s also fortunate that we live in an age where video communication is commonplace and easy to arrange. Reaching out to friends and family via Skype or Zoom etc, is the next best

thing to connecting with them in person. Your seasonal plans for meeting up with others will have no doubt been disrupted, but occupying a virtual space where you can still confide with your friends and loved ones may work wonders in softening the blow of being physically apart, especially as isolation is a common-ground subject that you can all discuss with mutual understanding.

Treat Yourself When Possible

Whilst the problems of finance, health and social interaction cannot easily be removed from thought, enjoying simple distractions is something that must be prioritised whenever convenient. What they are will naturally vary from person to person. Be it through activity or entertainment, you should treat yourself as frequently as possible. In short, there is nothing wrong with exploiting the extra hours available. In fact, it is vital to do just that. If there was ever a time to pursue an activity that you’ve always wanted to try out, then that time is now. Thinking outside the box can open brand new doors in the mind, and greatly improve your perspective on everything else happening in your life.

Put a Halt to Guilt

It may be no surprise to learn that many people get stuck right at the beginning of this option, and the reason is guilt. After all, there are people with so many other pressures and problems, so why then are the rest of us even entitled to pursue happiness? If you have this doubt, then it’s crucial to put it to bed as quickly as possible. Make your life as fun as possible! You deserve it.

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