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Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Location is crucial, and after the usual school, transport and shopping considerations, we reveal that the number one factor in the property-buying decision is how close a house is to the countryside.

The rise of digital technology and the recent surge in home working have seen many people looking for greener pastures. City dwellers are upping sticks and heading into the countryside. However, if you’re thinking of breaking away from the big smoke, will the grass necessarily always be greener.

Getting Away from City Air

However, the biggest draw is country air. 26 per cent of respondents believe close proximity to the countryside is important. Having good transport links nearby was the top priority for 18 per cent of those surveyed. This was closely followed by proximity to work and being located near to a good school, with 14 per cent choosing each of these options as their primary consideration.

Four in ten buyers are considering moving to the countryside, according to a separate survey from Estate Agents, one also spotted an uptick of people in the capital looking at countryside dwellings as people consider the wider, open spaces of the countryside after COVID 19.

Age also plays a significant role in the location stakes. Proximity to a good school is the most prized location factor for both the 25 to 34 and 35 to 44 age groups, while for the 18 to 24 group good transportation links come out on top.


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